Two notaries with
lots of experience
Dr Till Kleinstück has been working as a notary at the Neuer Wall 75 offices since 2005, and also spent much of his notarial clerkship there from 2001 onwards. He went to law school at Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz, Geneva University (Switzerland) and to Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich, where he graduated in 1990. After that he completed a master’s degree (LLM, class of ’91) at Georgetown University School of Law in Washington, D.C., followed by a six-month working period at a prestigious Washingtonian law firm.
After his time in the US, he went through the legal clerkship in the State of Bavaria, during which he also spent time with business law firms in Munich, Paris and New York City. He received his legal doctorate from Munich Law School in 1994 and completed his bar exam in 1995. After four and a half years as an attorney with (what is nowadays) Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer in Hamburg, in March 2000 he entered the notarial clerkship in Hamburg and was eventually granted his licence as a notary in 2005.
Dr Marcus Reski joined the office at Neuer Wall 75 in 2010 as successor to retiring notary Dr Adam von Kottwitz. He had started his career with law studies at Georg August University in Göttingen and during a study year abroad at Université de Bourgogne in Dijon, France.
After graduating from law school in Göttingen, he went through his legal clerkship in Hamburg with – inter alia – periods at business law firms in Hamburg and London. He completed his bar exam in 2003. He then became an attorney with Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer in Hamburg, primarily working in the field of commercial real estate law. In December 2007 he entered the notarial clerkship and – after acting as an official deputy of the retired notary Dr Adam von Kottwitz from the beginning of 2010 – was granted his licence as a notary in 2011. During his clerkship, Dr Reski had also been acting as Director of the Hamburg Chamber of Notaries, as well as Director of the Pension Fund for the Hamburg Notaries.
Dr Reski also administers the files and deed archive of the retired notary Dr Adam von Kottwitz.